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    Even Dweezil?

    Are you implying that King Arthur: Legend of the Sword wasn't the franchise igniting, box office smash Warner Bros. threw $175 million at!?!?!?

    He's so annoying. He's so frightening. And he never wears a shirt!

    Varys was talking to Illyrio Mopatis, the guy who harbored Daenerys and Viserys in Essos.

    Wilson's revenge!

    I'm pretty sure it's been already done.

    Otherwise, my human sacrifices will be for naught!

    Grapefruit Dorado > Pineapple Sculpin.

    "We're all a little dead inside"

    And thus, the Singularity was born.

    "Let's see if the chubby wizard can fly!"

    You ask for the impossible!

    Big McLargeHuge!

    "Problem solved."
    "…but sir…"

    Yes yes, there's nothing more constitutional and upstanding in a government servant than having your jack-booted thugs threaten to imprison citizens for exercising their first amendment right to tell a shitheel politician that they, indeed, suck.

    Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas

    Have you ever seen a golden dragon…on WEED!?