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    I'll help you out: Kinja just burst into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't ya, you bastard!
    Because now no one comments here anymore. Because of Kinja.

    Hola, yo soy un bebe!

    A lot of unsavory folk come from Fleabottom.

    No one's gonna take his right hand's knuckle bones!

    The Red Keep's department of agriculture is going to launch a full-scale investigation on these most concerning allegations!

    The cleansing fires of Kinja fixes all problems!

    As cathartic as it was to listen to a "Weird Al" jam, it's still really depressing that the straight forward, earnest display of the failure of Trump to even mention, let alone condemn, domestic terrorism, white supremacy, white nationalism, and even nazism, means nothing to the reality that this know-nothing, devoid

    Also starring Ser Not-Appearing-In-This-Season

    Regarding the theory that Tyrion is Targaryen, has there been any speculation on who his real father is? I haven't heard any guesses or speculations, merely that he's Targaryn because there needs to be three dragon riders/the dragon has three heads.

    Ha ha ha ha [dies]

    And IIIIIIIIII-eeee-IIIIIII will always watch youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (get groped)!

    You got it, dude!
    Wait, that's Michelle.
    How Rude!
    Wait, that's Stephanie.
    Have Mercy!
    Wait, that's Uncle Jesse.
    Did DJ ever have a catchphrase?

    The very same!


    You see, the kids who got their lunch money taken and told the teacher are the real bullies!!!!

    FAKE NEWS! CNN using liberal math and percentages! Trump makes best deals while golfing! we will REPEAL and REPLACE! #MAGA

    I never thought I'd see the day where some asshole I've never heard of declares The Statue of Liberty as an anti-american symbol, but here we are, aren't we. Trump really broke reality, didn't he?

    What's going on with Hulk Hogan's hair? It's blond, and yet it's silken like that of a Chinese man.
    That's his signature look, the hair of a Chinamen and the skin of a hot dog.

    So, it's agreed the Trump's foreign policy strategy on North Korea is to escalate verbal threats to the point where NK finally takes militaristic action, so the US's military action in response seems justified? Awesome.

    The people who canceled their subscriptions couldn't be reached for comment, but it's assumed they, too, loved the show they voluntarily stopped paying for.