
This show will fill the gaping hole in my heart that Southland left, right?

What in the world was Sandra listening to?

Apparently Oliver North is going to co-write an episode later this season. The mind boggles.

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell would be amazing on screen. I can't decide if it would be better as a TV or movie series.

How great was that title sequence? Such a tragically underrated show.

As a GG diehard, I really, really want any show ASP is involved in to succeed, but the second half of the first season was embarrassingly terrible. The first half was classic ASP, but it seemed that network pressure changed Bunheads into the typically bad ABC Family show. That's why the ratings slumped, and I'd rather

I didn't get a New Amsterdam notification for this??

The props people had some fun with the Russo vetting document. Apparently, at one point he banged twins


Both, I think.

@Kumagoro:disqus actually, she was "wearing" duct tape. For that matter, so was Nolan (around his wrists). Take from that what you will, but I don't think it was for modesty's sake.

Two words: Clara Sue.

Hey, look, this window turned Khan white.

What is happening HOW DID I GET HERE SEND HELP

Side note: not only was that real-life LAPD Chief Beck, it was also LAPD Commander Andrew Smith, Media Relations, who introduced Beck. Nice touch as always, Southland.


Well, at least SOMEONE'S in charge around here.

oh geez. I was so fucking terrified that Sammy was going to jump off the parking structure, especially since a close friend of mine killed themselves the exact same way a few days ago. That was just one of many great moments in the episode. I don't know about "single greatest Southland episode" though. What Makes

Labor of love.

So, the guy that jumped on the police car during the robbery chase… did he know he was rolling around in piss?