
That entire sequence was so wonderful and just *so* L.A. Yet another reason I love Southland is that it's one of the only shows that gets Los Angeles right: the culture, the slang, the geography, the on-location filming.


Wow. The fight between Ben and the robber was very intense.

I swear, no other show builds up the tension like Southland when it's at top form. The community center shooting scene had my heart in my throat.

Never heard of Bourdain before, and loved the episode.

So, this last half season of Bunheads sucked, right?

Glad to see this show getting love from AV Club commenters. I'm seeing a lot of recommendations to start watching this show with season 3, but I have to say y'all should start from the beginning. The show starts strong and only gets better from there, and one of the show's absolute best episodes, What Makes Sammy

Sherman/Cooper OTP

I swear, Elementary's stealing Lucy Liu away from Southland was the salt rubbed into the wound of a shitty American copycat of Sherlock. Her performance last season absolutely blew me away.

fuck yeah, Southland. I wonder if the show's going to touch on the Dorner thing at all?

holy shit, is Helen Mirren a freaking DRAGON? awesome.

I may have misunderstood, but wasn't Christine taken by one of the SEALs from the *first* team (from the Colorado) who leaves with the second team (from the helicopters)? The dialogue was something like "Sorry, new orders, she's my ticket home"

I may have misunderstood, but wasn't Christine taken by one of the SEALs from the *first* team (from the Colorado) who leaves with the second team (from the helicopters)? The dialogue was something like "Sorry, new orders, she's my ticket home"

I…what? Have you not seen Dollhouse or something? Because, trust me, this show is not taking advantage of her talent AT ALL.

I…what? Have you not seen Dollhouse or something? Because, trust me, this show is not taking advantage of her talent AT ALL.

It is on DVD; I own it.

It is on DVD; I own it.

1994 version is best version. It has Colm Meany, forcrissakes. What the hell is this WW2 crap?

1994 version is best version. It has Colm Meany, forcrissakes. What the hell is this WW2 crap?

Did they actually film those beginning scenes in Prypiat?