
No. No. No. No. No….

I've been reviewing Dexter for What Culture — I know, I know, but stick with me — for the last three seasons (all of which constituted Scott Buck's reign) and I've always been so dumbfounded by the defenders of the show, especially when they admit to the most minor of shortcomings, "It's not what it used to be," or

Best picture to accompany a byline, ever.

Sounds kinda like a less scantily clad version of Hack/Slash, no? Something I'm sure ABC Family is more than prepared to do well.

I think Bowman absolutely nailed it, and I'm still reeling so all I can manage to type now is the idea in my head that maybe these last two episodes will find Walt redeeming himself a bit by rescuing Jesse with that massive assault rifle he got from Ellsworth.

I always loved Freddy Rodriguez's "WHAT THE FUCKIN' FUCK?" from Six Feet Under when he comes home to find his male cousin fucking another dude. Fuck.

Frank's stake in the gun store was obvious, but his explanation at the end absolutely made up for it being an attempted twist — "You're either a duper or a dupee." 'MURICA.

"Thank you for being so kind."

That photo actually killed my laughter. I immediately went from audibly cracking up to the scrunched up, "Oh, no," face you make when you realize something truly horrible has been abruptly brought to your attention. Brilliant.

I agree that Lee Toric's apparent addiction came off as a simple means by which to relegate the character into a more obvious "bad guy" role (not that I think the use of narcotics automatically makes someone a villain, but I think the daily rapes he's ensuring Otto experiences makes his anger and despair clear enough


2002 was a simpler time.

If I didn't know better I'd assume you were being sarcastic, but I know better. I wish I didn't know better.

Right, just injured. Even still, very similar. He totally could have died and no one would care. Stupid Beneke.

Is there a good source for the 28 or so stories that aren't included in Nine Stories, Hapworth, Franny, Zooey, Roof Beams, and Seymour, or are they only in the anthologies they originally appeared in?

La Dispute, anyone? Or The Blood Brothers? Circle Takes the Square, perhaps?

"Teddy" from Nine Stories, if I'm remembering correctly, is probably that which most directly deals with Salinger's take on Vedanta. In addition to that collection, I'd also recommend Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction and Franny and Zooey, even more so than Catcher.

If Ian McShane were to call Annie a "loopy fuckin' cunt," me and Abed's heads may explode, and it'd be totally worth it.

When Mac said, "He might go kill himself!" referring to Dennis, I thought he was going to say, "He might go kill someone," which wouldn't make as much sense within the context of the episode, but I think would've contributed nicely to the whole Dennis as a serial killer thing they've been doing over the years. God I

Was it me or was that actually Conan introducing Sweet Dee?