sound of silver

Did we ever find out who was the John Doe at the massacre in Central Park? (The body that was moved?)

Please refrain from discussing or
engaging in any sort of [REDACTED] or [REDACTED], or [REDACTED] or [REDACTED] or even [REDACTED]. Even though so many people on this page are begging for it.

Yet another vote for Someone Great. I kinda see why you might put Drunk Girls on this list to give a broader view of their library, but not at the expense of Someone Great.

Sooo… I actually didn't think this one was THAT great. My main gripe was how quickly FP seemed to forgive PB at the end. PB was destroying the Flame Kingdom, putting everyone in mortal danger, but only as a ruse to gain access to sacred artifacts, which she then proceeds to bait FP into destroying. I think PB got

I absolutely HATED this episode. I complete disagree with the review - I was questioning the insanity of the premise the whole time. It was just so stupidly contrived. In what world would any political leader go through with this? In what world would anyone actually advise him to go through with this? I just sat

This was actually one of my favourite episodes EVER.

Yeah, let's gather a mob to spam increasingly angry messages at some guy because he wrote a four paragraph review of a cartoon show for a pop culture website.

So it just hit me that this season of Korra is like the Dark Knight Rises storyline. Hero comes back from retirement to take down dangerous new villain, hero gets completely beat down by villain and exiled, villain takes control of everything… etc. So now I guess we have a few episodes of Korra training and trying

I dunno. I don't think you're giving Martin enough credit. He seems like kind of a slacker type, like a dead beat dad. But then again, he's locked up in the Citadel with world-destroying ancient monsters. Look how readily the monsters accepted him as their boss at the end. I think Martin is hiding A LOT. I

Why do you assume Martin never knew about Finn? Finn asks Martin why he abandoned him in the forest and Martin seems taken aback - "Oh you know me, I'm a funny guy!" Martin is a cosmic criminal and probably evil and a liar who abandoned Finn. I wonder if maybe he knows something about what happened to Finn's mother?

Holy shit. This was SO good.

I dunno, I liked this one.   This episode was like putting on a pair of old sweat pants and eating nachos while watching Adventure Time with a cat in your lap.

Is the title a lyric from a Bill Callahan song?  Ned Oldham is Will Oldham's brother, and Will Oldham has performed with Bill Callahan…

Also, was anyone else getting huge Dark Souls vibes from Finn's gear at the end with the flame cloak and the helmet?  And then Jake was like, "Oh for a minute there I thought you were one of those twisted lost soul boss guys."  Which kind of sealed the deal.

This was my probably one of my favourite episodes ever.  Seriously.  Having spent (lost) a few years of my life deep in MMOs, this one hit me right in the feely parts.

I think my favourite part was: "Listen. We gotta find out who this lady is.  We gotta open the vault a little."  "Nooo sir."

I'm pretty sure I heard "girleen" which urban dictionary tells me is actually some kind of young people slang.  Also it sounds hilarious.

YES!  Love that game.  You do kind of have to get into a weird trance to play it.  I am totally calling it Regression Simulator from now on.

New single "Zebra" is also incredible:

Has Finn always been missing teeth like that?