
"Do you like my TIE-Fighter I painted on the wall?"

As a British person having to stream American TV for the first time, I was amazed yet bizarrely relieved to find there’s such thing
as a double hot-dog and you can get at it something called Beef O’Brady’s.

Anybody remember Rape an Ape?
You know, that programme where contestants had to rape an ape. I think there was a celebrity Rape an Ape as well. Essential tea time viewing.

Why are the episodes edited?
I understand in the UK that we have a full sixty minutes space, but Human Planet aired with 15-minute making-of segments at the end, bringing each episode to 45 minutes. I assumed this was to make things easier for international broadcast. So are the making-of's still aired? Not that I

Missing Scenes
The review said this is a twenty minute show, but here in the UK its thirty minutes with no adverts. any ideas on what's cut each episode? because ten minutes is an awful lot

Quantum of Shit
Call me old fashioned, but I liked the bond movies where they hired some awesome stunt guys, filmed them doing awesome stunts and went to awesome locations and filmed Bond fucking awesome women at those awesome locations. License to Kill is just 2 hours of plane stunts interspersed with wry one

There's this deleted scene for 2 where Pete Posthelwaite is in an Indian bar and beats up some redneck tourists. It was too badass for the final cut.

All this makes me want to do
is go watch Jurassic Park . Maybe even Jurassic Park 3.

That was the douchebag who stole Whedon's joke in that Buffy piece. Glad he met an untimely end. Yes I'm that bitter over one stolen joke.

Final Episode
I'm looking forward to the final episode where Ezio engages Pope Alexander VI in a fist fight beneath the vatican before stumbling into a mystical room full of alien cyphers.

Now that we're on Angel series 3 and Bufft series 6
It was only this week that I realised Connor from Angel and Jonathan from Buffy both work at Sterling Cooper. I like the thought of those two morally ambiguous characters just hanging around and shooting the shit.

On the subject of Jim Carrey
Am I the only one who unironically lauds Ace Ventura 2 as one of the funniest films of all time?

Seeing as we're on Buffy Series 6 and Angel Series 3
It was only this week that I realised Connor from Angel and Jonathan from Buffy both work at Sterling Cooper.

Anybody read Jpod?
That was my favourite of Coupland's.

although he certainly established an air of… wait a minute… the *first* doctor? you crafty motherfucker

For a few hopeful seconds
I thought this was a Castaway spin-off

Here we go
"I would like nothing better than to… …provide… …pervasive interracial homoeroticism… in connection with… a nice little plug."

Oh no
Disturbingly I might actually watch Bloodrayne 3. Something dark inside compels me.

You would not think that woman was 53