
Fuck Mini Babybels

The Cage
'The Cage" isn't such a bad place to be. There's one or two good sniping spots and using the jet pack will give you a good advantage.

and there is was thinking it was at Kingdom of the Crystal Skull reference. Went back and read the original posts, very funny.

This only came to mind because I've been watching Stewart Lee for about 48 hours solid

Don't make me Ang Lee
You wouldn't like me when I'm Ang Lee

I remember my first Springsteen Concert
It was shit

you don't have to pick up two weapons if you don't want to. its freewill.

how dare you! the halo franchise created many of the features present in todays games. I know this is not much of a defense, but it is just dam fun to play.

as i am, indeed, drunk, I forgot to specify I mean split screen multiplayer fun. This is not signigicent, but i do believe ths split screen concept has been neglected in recent years. i much prefer battling a friend who is sat next to me then battling one who is in his own him, probably eating nachos and browsing porn

Lets just admit.
Before the halo bashing starts, lets just admit it is a good game. The story, though maybe not original, is powerful and exciting. The multiplayer, additonally, is perfection. It also contains the type of multiplayer fun that is missing from most modern games.

you mean he's going to have Kaylee have one thruster run in reverse and the other forward allowing a quick turn?

I wonder if this will lead to lots of wacky situations where MacTiernan applies his movie logic to a real prison scenario with humorous results, maybe the two-dimensional way he sees good and evil in films such as Die Hard or Rollerball will clash with the more morally ambiguous aspects of prison life.

So this superhero believes in God?
Seeing as he is a Fe-ist

Give the man a break
He was just trying to pick up some power converters

Maasai Mara

Extravagant ways to quit your job?
They'll never top that one scene from seminal stoner film 'Half-Baked'

The other night I had a bizarre dream.
I was chilling with Turtle, Drama and Vince at a beach house.
Korean pirates began firing mortars at the beach. Explosion everywhere.
Vince was so out of it he wouldn't even leave.
Me, Turtle and Drama had to run for our lives.

I would have been Thirst if I didn't have to google that guys name

Not enough Chan-wook Park films on Instant Netflix
Specfically Thirst

The dog James Marsden plays
Is it called Spike?