Smoking Mirror

"How come white people take up 81% of prime time television, according to a UCLA study, when they're a mere 72.4% of the population? Doesn't anybody else find that monstrous?"

Liked for "all kinds of Mexico."

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Come to think of it, Lydia's got a real Julia Louis-Dreyfus thing going on.

He's sad because he has to hold a sword with his right drinking hand, and a shield with his left drinking hand.

Opening up polar portals to the spirit realm: this is how you get Warhammer.

"…and then she fucked everyone in the audience to death."

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus Even if we accept that most characters on Game of Thrones are heirs and army leaders, it still doesn't make him less powerful, relative to the setting, than Walter White.

Ramsay Snow's the heir to the entire fucking North and leads an army.

@avclub-eee6e49e09ab1c283e2d7689d45a7b4b:disqus JAIME, WE HAVE TO COOK

@avclub-d89b833158f0d9a73fd33bb243fe5786:disqus There are no arcs, because Kyoshi just fucking straight murders her villains during their first appearance.

Let's Deep Space Nine this shit.

@avclub-1bfb50f8428a734a72e2ace7d8b3166e:disqus Lydia. He pretends it's Lydia…

A terminal cancer diagnosis is a pretty good example of a non-supernatural foretelling of the hero's doom, and Walt's got a grade-A case of hubris.

@avclub-6ca57d2774f04ac8acf3d2b10f0338f4:disqus Whenever I see a WWJD bracelet, I'm going to nod and think, "Walt Watched Jane Die."


@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus There are advantages to be eloquent yet malevolently feral, chillingly polite Cormac McCarthy-esque villains, and one of them is nigh invulnerability.

And Gunn had the new face.

Even the baby was fucking amazing.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus  Well, the Joker is a mentally ill anarchist who's banging a Jewish girl. It's not that weird that he'd refuse to work with the worst Nazi ever.

BOOM - the season's about getting fucked in really elaborate ways. The sexual technique conversations are a subtle hint.