Smoking Mirror

The Ancient Egyptian work for their own country was km.t. We don't know the vowels due to it being an Afroasiatic consonant cluster in a language we've never heard. Well, Copic is still a spoken liturgical language, but it has evolved too far from the language of the Ancient Egypt people give a shit about.

Koreans are characterized by Auric Goldfinger as the epitome of human cruelty, and Bond's third-person closed POV states that:

No, you're the one implying that she's too white to be a real Latina.

Unthinkable was a horrible idea. Waid was basically telling fans that they were enjoying a fictional universe in the wrong way, and decided to undo years of characterization by making Doom act out of character and flay a woman alive.

You're confusing Mestiza with Latina and actual, very diverse Mexicans with a stereotypical phenotype of Mexicans.

In Goldfinger, Koreans were basically portrayed as orcs.

Yeah. A non-white Superman would be fine. I was really hoping DC would take the opportunity provided by the New 52 reboot to diversify the line, but nope.

The subject of Cultural Appropriation is one of those things that's so goddamn complicated…on one extreme,you have people that seem to almost be advocating for some kind of crazy new cultural segregation where White Culture can never adopt anything from another culture, and on the other side…well, you have whatever

Yeah, this is my third favorite current sitcom, but it always struck me as weird that it was so much whiter than #2 and #1, which are set in suburban Denver and rural Indiana.

Well, if someone is born in a completely different place and in a different cultural context, they're not really the same person. It's kind of a weird argument.

He's brilliant in The One Doctor and …Ish, even managing to pull off the weirdest Doctor Who concept I've ever heard of nicely in the latter.

I kind of assume that 11 is the longest lived regeneration, simply because 1 and 11 both died of old age, and 1 was helped along by the Dalek aging weapon in the Dalek's Master Plan and the Cyberman's energy draining weapon.. 11 got to age to death naturally.


The beginning of his first full episode consist of him landing the TARDIS, casually snapping Clara's neck, and hiding her body across space and time.

"We don't take kindly to your type 'round here," Les near Mt. Fuji said, before pulling out a picture of Japan's only type.

I had the "Christ, Fucking Spiders" episode of Onion's Horrible Planet playing in my head throughout the Murkwood scene. "They don't even want skin…"

Barbara was the best. She ran over Daleks with a lorry, was mistaken for an Aztec god and decided to fucking go with it like the Head Bitch In Charge that she was so that the Aztecs would become benevolent and even beat Cortez (because fuck that guy), brought down a totalitarian lotus-eater machine empire, and didn't

Wait…whatabout Aisha Tyler? She's pretty, curvy/athletic-kinda, and six-feet-tall according to Google.

Kat Dennings is so short though…

There was a bit of John Cleese in there too. John Cleese as the Master CALLING IT