Smoking Mirror

Lena Heady + season-long plot focus + massive incompetence + alcohol = comedy gold.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus It would be great if that's how Walder Frey solved all of his problems. When All You Have Is A Wedding Massacre…

Roose pretty much says the only reason he hasn't had Ramsay killed is because he lacks another heir and, for some reason, cares about the kinslaying taboo.

Oh fuck, imagine Ramsay stabbing "Arya Stark"/Jayne Poole through the chest and pulling out a flaming sword. Jesus, DAT TWIST.

It's like if Bambi's Mom came back as the Freak Deer from Adventure Time.

It was so painfully awkward. It was like having to eat dinner while pretending that nothing happened after your parents just screamed at each other.

@avclub-5e607d5c8abb7a22fe75d8f34e100427:disqus Yeah. When I saw that, all I could say was, "Wow, they must really fucking hate that guy. Jesus."


[Cut to Jaime and Brienne in the bear pit]

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Dany, like her actress, it seems, is only into douchebags.

You found Arianne and Quentyn interesting, but not the Red Vyper, the master-plotter Doran, or a transvestite that infiltrated the Citadel?

Arya comes back from her training to find that Sansa already tied up all the loose ends.

@avclub-f073b3649cb725798cf7bde9a1f8facb:disqus "Well, someone in this family has to honor their word, amiright? Robb? Robb? Did you hear that?"

Catelyn Stark waited. The torches above her flickered and sparked out of the air. There were Freys in the Crossing. She didn't want to see them, but had expected this day now for years. Her warnings to King Robb were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
Catelyn was a Stark for

Wrong page, sorry.

To be fair, it's not like you can just ask fucking Queen Ghedorah out on a date when you're an exiled knight. I mean, there's stations and protocols and what not.

She needs to beat some gym leaders and earn those badges FAST.

lol Latinos are violent.

And the Greatjon drinking contest would have really added to the "OK, things are tense, but also really funny and things might just turn out OK" atmosphere they seemed to have been working towards.

Women aren't respected as much as men, yes, and are basically treated as chattel, but the wife of a lord definitely has a higher status than a mentally handicapped jester.