Smoking Mirror

I felt really bad for Orell, since he was right the entire time. Jon Snow's this creepy asshole who earns his group's trust, and then turns around and betrays them all, murders a couple of them, and flees while abandoning Ygritte. Ygritte, the woman who Orell had a massive crush on. Ygritte, the woman who stuck her

Insane, petty, draconian idiot who takes over and ruins everything? The Westerosi Umbridge is Joffrey.

@avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus The best put down in the series was Roose telling Ramsay that he was making him regret the day that he raped his mother. That shit was ICE COLD.

Remember when she identified the Lannisters as the ones who pwned Bran using only a single strand of hair? Cat's natural born police.

Also, a big part of Tywin is that he's cruel to his enemies, but good to his allies - he says that when someone kneels to you, you should help him back on his feet. Gaining an ally and then immediately betraying him is not something Tywin would do - he's sickened by the Freys, but he'd rather let Walder Frey's

Would Robb have ever been at any functions that celebrated the Lannisters? He could have probably heard it from Lannister men, but it's likely he never heard it.

@avclub-cd4e651a08c8504d50cc18e7fa79264c:disqus Though everyone calls it the North, Robb's kingdom was technically the North and the Riverlands (which claimed the Iron Isles as a component, though it is currently in rebellion).

@avclub-55ab1e0836b46cc575ee502254e68ea9:disqus The only reason anyone tolerates Tyrion at all is the fact that he has money and Tywin as a father. Take that away, and he's just a freak to the rest of the world, and he knows that.

@avclub-a071490b596e0cc770ff10b7eb5b2e85:disqus Michael Corleone would have made one hell of a showrunner.

Also, everyone who criticizes Ned for this seems to forget the quite likely possibility that the notoriously temperamental King Robert might flip the fuck out and murder the daughter of Tywin Lannister. This would, of couse, have started a horrific shitstorm. Hoping that Cersei would just flee quietly to keep her

"Yo, we risk our lives for Starks, not bastards."

My brain filled in the painful silence with Harry Nilsson's "Coconut."

In hindsight, having everyone at my viewing party killed to celebrate the episode might have been a touch over the top.


Yo, it just popped into my head and it might be crazy, but here's a solid, mid-level-the-BBC-could-actually-get-her female doctor: Michelle Fairley, I could see her play it like a female cross between William Hartnell and Pertwee.

Freeman's Wooster: My Lord, that was quite effective. What was in that hangover cure?
Cumberbatch: Copious amounts of cocaine.

Is the Spector character explicitly Jewish? Because if so, it's kind of weird that works so frequently use Jewish characters to comment on Irish politics and culture- see also Roddy Doyle's A Star Called Henry and Joyce's Leopold Blum - despite Ireland's tiny Jewish population. Perhaps it's a way to have a neutral

"I am the mighty Tourak

Hell, from the way they're described, the Hightowers alone might be able to toss around enough weight to threaten one of the major houses. Ruling all of Oldtown, having the best access to Maesters, a strong fleet (they're a port power, too), and producing several famous badasses must count for something.

Freud ruined everything forever.