Smoking Mirror

@avclub-28d8cc41b12fb1b6164f7d0ca09ab2fa:disqus Have fun dying of greyscale during char-gen!

@avclub-9bd5eb56846904f649391a1669b7b45f:disqus Yes, you should assume that, because Euron mentions that he once owned a dragon egg, which was established in the first book to be incredibly rare and valuable, but threw it away in a dark mood. Many readers believe that Euron was lying and used the egg to hire a

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus Nobody ever dies, ten billion named characters, zombies, never-ending reveals of men-behind-the-men…

Robb never had a POV chapter. He was always seen through the point of view of his mother (and sibling and father, to a lesser extent).

You're making some rather unflattering assumptions about Gendry, there.

@avclub-019009b3dba521659466e53ec350163d:disqus Hopefully they'll be nerfed in the next patch.

More evidence of Joff's rapist mentality: walking up to Sansa, pulling her aside, and saying, "LOL, I'm totally gonna rape you tonight! See you then!"

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus "Real talk, George? I vouched for you, mate, and you're making me look like an asshole."

I believe the Ghost of High Heart tells Arya that Balon died on a swinging rope bridge on Pyke, and there is the image of a man without a face being directed by a crow perched on its shoulder.

Mel know this is all bullshit, and is really just on Westerosi history's most ambitious and convoluted cougar-prowl.

Drunk Bitter Cersei was somehow the most epic part of "Blackwater."

@avclub-92c9b96871c64bbb5fc1913d3aec11b5:disqus Yeah, but between the Cleavers and the Boltons, which sounds more like a family of serial killers, and who sounds more like the suburban squares?

His face, hair, outfit, and gormlessness were clearly an homage to Barry Pepper's classic heroic lead from Battlefield Earth, John Goodboy Tyler.

We know Lancel's always up for some freaky shit.

There's no reason to, since the only reason they were split in real life is because GRRM looked over at his 4000 page manuscript and muttered, "well, shit."

Huh, wonder what they're going to do with DARKSTAR, WHO IS OF THE NIGHT?

If you want someone who doesn't fit the part at all, sure. How about Ziyi Zhang?

@avclub-0ae1dd3954ee840075de1395771b6c9c:disqus Except he totally got screwed over by the colorful costumed villains, and died at Catwoman's hands.

Also, if you want to start a war using a false flag operative, "lunatic, mind-warping shapeshifter" is a better power set than "intelligent strong guy" by a fucking mile.

@Quietus There are people that look like a "Benedict Cumberbatch," but they all died before the 1930s.