Smoking Mirror

The next movie should feature Gary Mitchell, but have him be inexplicably played by an Indian actor.

Well, duh, obviously, people are white unless the work takes great pains to point it out. A guy might have a Chinese name and be from China, but unless someone says, "Hey, that guy is Han Chinese," like, you don't know, he could be white. IT'S THE DEFAULT.

Yes, but Khan still did something to become a reviled warlord. It's in broad strokes, but he still must have done something.

On point two, Khan is infamous in-universe as a guy who conquered a fourth of the planet, so he might have actually been fishing for a reaction from them. Imagine if you unfroze a dude that turned out to be Genghis Khan or something. You'd expect him to reveal that shit dramatically.

Oh shit, I had that same theory too. Smart British guy, the name John/Jean, what looked like a 24th Century ship popping out of nowhere in the trailer (it turned out to be the Vengeance, but whatever)… I also expected him to not be as evil as he seemed.

But it does kind of make sense, both in universe and as a marketing tactic - the Borg are one of the most famous villains, the Original Trek crew never faced them, one of the best Trek films was about them, and Transwarp tech was very important in the new Trek movies, and wasn't that their way of zipping about the

But she was smart! She had an English accent and everything!

@avclub-23c97e9cb93576e45d2feaf00d0e8502:disqus Benedict Cuntpunterbatch.


Bane, in the comics, had an English mercenary for a father, and was always portrayed as a White Hispanic man, which is a thing (Latino does not necessarily equal mestizo).

I see your "yeah-huh" and raise you a "nuh-uh."

Yeah, but what if you honestly can't see a difference in the complexion, figure, and hair of these two images? They both have clear, fair, ruddy, pinkish-pearly skin. The hand-drawn Merida does not appear to be wearing eye shadow, blush, powder, or lipstick (her lips are the same shade to my eyes as CGI Merida's,

Totally agree.

Well, Merida should be fairly slender, she's very athletic, so it's in character.

Al Gore gave us the internet so we could make fun of teenage girls over petty shit. And if you do it until they off themselves, well, that just means you win. There's no other reason for the internet to exist. We all say we hate bullying, but all of America and the Internet- ALL OF IT - decided to troll Rebecca Black

In some phases of the European Middle Ages, it was fashionable for women to shave off eyebrows and even raise the hairline. I see no reason for them not to have gone south.

They honor all the gods of death from all known pantheons as aspects of a single Death entity.

Agreed. She's the only thing that makes the Jon Snow scenes fun now, since we only got seven seconds of Mance Rayder.

In the books, the Wildlings thought it was cool to send Orrell off on a random, dangerous hunting mission that got him killed, so he couldn't have been that tactically valuable.

The current version of the Direwolf effect is literally taking a wolf, filming it against a green screen, and compositing it into the shot.