Smoking Mirror

@avclub-e1b3fa16446b9e167870f5d13062d444:disqus He was always Brian Blessed to me, but GRRM is a choice piece of headcasting, too.

"Yo Meera, are you a twenty-nine-year-old Jewish art historian living in Park Slope? No? OK. Just wondering if your face and hair know that, because, yeah…."

"Are you 'avin' a laugh? Is she 'avin' a laugh? Ayyyyy…."


@avclub-adad33d3da210f8c6efe515ace3e7089:disqus Hell yeah. The occasional dream cutaways to Nymeria leading the wolfpack through the Riverlands is the best running gag in the series.

This is the dude that handled Aerys for like two decades and kept the Seven Kingdoms prosperous. He can handle li'l grandbaby Caligula on a day he's hung over on two hours of sleep with the flu.

I know they're trying to make Orrell out to be the bad guy in the North of the Wall scenes, but between calling out Jon for not fully turning his cloak (which is true), telling Ygritte that Jon's just a pretty face (true), and trying to send Jon plummeting to his death during the avalanche (entirely defensible, even

Well, Ramsay Snow is neither a complex character nor pleasant to watch in action, so it feels like another scene after this one will be a bit much.

Or they'll give him the fate of Armory Lorch (sp?).

Wyman Manderley really came out swinging, didn't he? He fucking locks up Davos, is rumored to have decapitated him, violates the guest right, cannibalizes people, and makes fun of a child's murder and comes out as the most likeable and cool character introduced in the latter two books. Hot damn.

@avclub-001d507e80c4e4d2ce4ba0a5590f8313:disqus It lends a lot of weight to the theory that Jeyne was smuggled out by Blackfish in the books and replaced by an imposter (in A Dance with Dragons, the Jeyne Jaime sees doesn't match the description of her Catelyn gives).

That line delivery was so damn cute that I forgave everything related to the Talisa change in this adaptation.

Especially when her eyes were bugging out in the Thoros scenes. Totally a Gillan-mannerism.

GRRM totally loves shitting on people's faces though. Also, big dusky nipples.

I like to think that Rhaegar really was the Prince that Was Promised/Azor Ahai, and Robert ruined everything for everyone at the Trident.

"Where the fuck is that fire flower?"

"Well, uh, that's just your opinion, man…"

Lothar Frey is the worst of the Freys, one of the chief plotters behind the Red Wedding. Merrett Frey called him the most dangerous member of the house, and it was his idea to use the Rains of Castamere as the signal to begin the massacre.

@avclub-e57dbebc740250d2c4a370cf6ccb35f0:disqus "Our Knives Are Sharp, Our Choreography, Sharper"

Nipples on a breast plate