
The Marathon
I'm not sure why the interviewer is so confused about the characters not referring to the marathon as the Chicago Marathon. I know several marathon runners, and they all just say "the marathon" unless they're discussing other cities' marathons and need to clarify.

It's just their word for losers. Someone (maybe Troy?) after their second scene said something to the effect of, "I think Schmitty means 'loser'."

He looked like RuPaul to me, but I can't find anything to verify this.

"I straightened my hair because I'm serious."
I've been watching this with only minimal amounts of shame ever since they had the pilot available as a free iTunes download. I didn't have time for the last season, so I had a friend recap it for me. I suspect reading about it here would be more efficient.

I think we'd all be better off for owning Tippi Hedrin Barbies.

Cheerleader Barbie
That $80 price tag is a clear indication that this particular Barbie isn't meant for kids. Mattel has an entire catalogue of exorbitantly priced collector Barbies that even rich kids wouldn't play with. Elizabeth Taylor, the Bob Mackie-designed dolls, and this cheerleader aren't playthings; they're

Holy cow!
The AV Club must have some busy little interns. My pass came in the mail this afternoon!

Because I floss so hard
I've got a Flossin'-based pickup line that I've been dying to try out on someone at one of their shows, but I never manage to work up the nerve.

Anna Faris - bright young comedienne?
Really? Despite her incredibly annoying habit of audibly exhaling during every one of her lines?

Death tax?
I thought it was the gun tax that Tracy Jordan wanted repealed. As in, "lower taxes…guns…a repeal of the gun tax". I was watching with the help of some rabbit ears, so I could have misheard it.

That right there, that was awesome, Rabin.

I assume that's it since the other alternative is that she's a prostitute who got a part in the nativity play so that she'd have access to a donkey's man parts.

Groove Hawgs
The decent enough, WI-based Groove Hogs were founded 3 years earlier. I call shenanigans!

Come on now, he wasn't just loitering—he was drunkenly loitering.

"solder mom" actually.

It says "solder wife" in the intro.

I'm rooting for 13 and Kal Penn. Cutthroat Bitch cannot leave soon enough.

Access Denied
Is anyone else unable to view the second page?

What a terrible show
But man alive, is Scott Michael Foster dreamy or what?