
Agreed. This was a pleasantly unexpected way to begin my morning.

As fascinating as that would be, I still don't buy that gay Jimmy Fallon would actually be into Blair, or any girl for that matter.

Sailor suits
The party's theme: Japan, of course!

Tootsie Roll, I think I'm in love with you
I was under the impression that Tootsie Rolls were chocolatey chews. I might be biased though, since whatever it is I think I see becomes a Tootsie Roll to me.

I'm glad Noel will be writing this up one last time. I wonder if I should actually start watching the show now. Is it an adequately entertaining way to spend a Friday evening?

Ohh. I heard "Did he just talk to me like a boy?" and thought it didn't quite work. "Ugly" makes more sense.

Day Man IS the fighter of the Night Man. Can you imagine a world without a master of karate like DM?

Moral of the story
The lesson was clearly that even imaginary figures can be deeply important. Their existence doesn't need to be debated because they influence lives either way.

I've been waiting to see if there'd be a review of this. "…Is a Real Boy" was so outstanding that it would be hard to improve on it, but this album does a decent job. I love the way Bemis mashes together snippets of different genres, and the urgency of his delivery really hooks me.

Dot Dot Dot
The description of their interview video on MSN is "They entertain and flail around so that the party never ends!" I have a feeling they're not in on the joke, but it's still hilarious.

I think the one lying down is a woman.