
Someday everyone will recognize The Counselor for the batshit crazy secret success it is.

This article is the first really good laugh I've had since the election. Thanks, AV Club! Good job, internet!

Not really their mandate. Just FYI, AV stands for "Audio Visual" not "Aryan Victimization."

How is Clinton worse?

She says what we're all thinking!

You guys clearly missed the "Press Tour Highlights" feature of the Gran Torino Blu-Ray.

"I expected a debate of equals!"

*Gasp* Mrs. Langdon Alger!

I am genuinely delighted by this map.

It's not bad! The concept is fascinating.

To me, this was the last great Simpsons episode.

Even half the whites are black!

They'll try spinning.

Sounds like the end of Blood Meridian.

"I think she meant he threatened, in public, to terraform Earth."

Albus Dumbledore seems like a righteous dude with a laissez faire attitude towards curriculum.

"NOTICE: Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot."

"And that's the waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy the news goes."

"The episode starts with Noel DeSoil Holyfield (deSoil instead of deGrasse
and Holyfield, as in Evander the boxer, instead of boxer Tyson comma
Mike) played by Sinbad! The Kids’ Choice Award nominee takes a nice turn
as a slightly kooky scientist who mostly just stands in one place."

Ha ha, it's true! It's true! We're so lame.