
does this mean you will be doing Degrassi the Next Generation coverage?? oh man, this made my day!! 

surely you are referring to the infamous "fucking Tessa Campinelli!" moment?

"audience, what's YOUR diagnosis?"

agreed, I feel like season 1 gets written off by fans kind of like season 1 of buffy gets dismissed, despite both having really great stand-alone episodes. the one where they're in the country being hunted by cannibals? fucking awesome and terrifying.

I could've sworn they did a whole episode covering Owen's plight from his perspective. he said that he couldn't eat, drink, shag, nothing. he was basically just THERE. he even tried to kill himself properly but Jack saved him. I thought it actually made his character halfway interesting instead of being a relentless

I agree.

Knew him? He was delicious!

I agree, I hope Walter is featured more next season (where was he anyway during the finale?)
I'm still mad at the CW for cancelling the LA Complex (which was not a teenybopper show in any way) but Arrow has made me almost forgive them. almost.

Please let Capt. Jack's death be a fake-out! let him be recuperating somewhere and plotting his revenge!
also, I can't believe I once thought Felicity was an irritating character…
I usually tune out when Oliver and Laurel are having a big important conversation about their relationship or whatever, but I have to agree

they need to do the exact same fake-out next season: overhead shot of a funeral-smash cut to Laurel "So, Tommy's gonna be okay…"

he was the best part of MIB 3 as Andy Warhol.

agreed, especially because his voice always sounds thick with sleep, I almost need to turn on closed captioning to catch what he says…

Yeah, was Julia being paid at all for her help with Hit List? it would seem to be if she was finally within reach of a tony with Bombshell, the show she actually wrote, she would be focusing on that…

man, the scene in the bar cemented my hate for Karen in a big way. the fact that she is supposed to be the protagonist in this show has always annoyed me mainly due to the fact that the actor playing her barely rises above mannequin level acting, but she is truly a loathsome cuntrag.

East Egg sank into a huge quagmire.

"Nick m'boy, how are ya?"

I won the essay contest!

I was thinking of calling it "Do you want to laugh or cry"

lets go back to being lawyers, we're terrible bikers!

I'm here to be a DANCER!
now that I think about it, one could argue that Burlesque was a remake of sorts…