
I love this film. I had recently seen American History X, Fight Club and Primal Fear and was completely enamored/in awe of Edward Norton, so I couldn't wait to see this.

Just wanted to add that I've been watching and reading along with these reviews, but I'm ultra paranoid about spoilers, so I've been avoiding the comment section and joining in the discussions. great show so far! 

Benedict Actiondower!

seeing them in Oakland and Portland! woot!

Leash! Go! WMA! Rearviewmirror!! Animal!

fuck it, I'm stoked. and they're coming to my town too, woooo!!


me too! I feel like in certain crowds if you say that it's like admitting you enjoy the music of Miley Cyrus or something. and their last tour I saw in '09, they were the best they have ever been. they seemed to be having a blast and be waaay lightened up and at peace with themselves.

I love how her first important journalist work of the day was badgering the poor policewoman as she's trying to bring in her nutjob coworker to the station. she just had two of her closest friends killed in front of her, her new house burned down AND she saved the town priest! lay off her, ya shampoo commercial

actually, I do have a beef with what you had for breakfast yesterday. oatmeal AGAIN? change it up, dude! jeez.

I officially have a beef with Beck, and let me tell you, this has been a long time coming…no, it's not because of his silly scientology/dianetics ways, whatever you like man, just keep providing with the rad-ass music. I was a freshman in high school when "loser" was all over mtv and Odelay became his big hit soon

I think during the month of august you can email them requesting tickets for the next season. supposedly it's chosen at random, but I heard they look favorably on people that actually live in nyc, so me and my sis always use our friends' address when we send in the request. someone please correct me if i'm wrong on

oh and this stellar line from Pitt's character: "I need a ride in your TRUCK-O to the next TOWN-O". because he can't speak spanish, see? hurrr durr durrrr….

let me explain: I see my share of bad movies, which I promptly forget and move on with my life. every so often, a bad movie sticks with me and gets under my skin, to the point where I feel personally offended by it. other examples off the top of my head would be Hope Floats and Sex and the City 2…as for what made this

He was the only good part of this wretched film. I still remember parts of it occasionally and get irrationally angry. maybe I need to let it go at this point, but DAMN that movie sucked.

oh good, I'm not the only one who finds grown-up bald Joey incredibly hot…

my loathing for Imogen started fading when they introduced her dad being sick plotline and kind of explained why she's such a kook, but damn this episode rekindled the hate in a big way. "fiddlesticks!" die die die…

that song gets stuck in my head way too often. good stuff.

Spinner and Jay need their own spin-off…I'm still in denial that his plotline was wrapped up with MARRYING EMMA. fuck that noise. that made zero sense, even for a batshit show like degrassi.

does this mean you will be doing Degrassi the Next Generation coverage?? oh man, this made my day!!