
Let's hear it for a remake of Girl In Gold Boots!

of course his clock is set to Miami time…

cut to peacocks outside: "we just like messing with you"

I wonder if there's beer on the sun?

did anyone else think that Loki in the Avengers kind of looked like the villain in the final sacrifice? especially when he smiled…

I'm days late to this party, but I'll chime in anyway: I think they're trying to show the parallels between Tom and Derek…kind of. sorta. In a way.

sidenote: can we PLEASE get a degrassi classic episode by episode write-up, leading to the next generation? that would rule!

I remember thinking Rick was going to be your garden-variety scary dude that snaps, but the episodes leading up to the shooting really showed how someone can be pushed to that place. I also LOVED how the students at degrassi actually looked their age, this is actually the first time I've ever sat through an episode of

Blackpool was an absolute delight. Recovery made my heart ache, and I'm a cold unfeeling robot most of the time. on the flipside, has anyone seen Secret Smile? Tennant plays the slimiest, creepiest bastard to PERFECTION. he will literally make your skin crawl. in short, he's a damn versatile dude.

ahh, thanks for clearing that up. It's endlessly amusing/rage-inducing how much time McPhee's character spends apologizing to Jimmy every time he snarls at her for not being at his beck and call….ahh, Smash. Can't you just be Ivy and Sean Hayes singing hilarious songs?

I really hope it isn't the end of Terrance's character (Sean Hayes is a delight) but wouldn't they have to address his addiction to his meds before signing him onto another show? And I don't really see him being able to carry a romantic lead role like DiMaggio.

I think everyone's comments have pretty much covered what I was going to say, I especially like how someone pointed out that Jimmy and Kyle basically have what seems like an abusive relationship. Also, has the supposedly terrible book that Kyle wrote ever been fixed? Apparently everyone loves their play now, did that

I think it definitely was his sister, with the DNA tests and all…but who knows with this show?
It was a pretty chilling final moment though, showing his sis looking freaked out in an interrogation room-type setting…jeesh.

I think it definitely was his sister, with the DNA tests and all…but who knows with this show?
It was a pretty chilling final moment though, showing his sis looking freaked out in an interrogation room-type setting…jeesh.

I agree, the trailer actually looked inventive and cool, and of course I was holding my breath waiting for something awful to happen to Raquel, since this show can't go 5 minutes without dumping on her.

I agree, the trailer actually looked inventive and cool, and of course I was holding my breath waiting for something awful to happen to Raquel, since this show can't go 5 minutes without dumping on her.

NO mention of what Rook does at the end???

NO mention of what Rook does at the end???

you took the words right out of my mouth. I read the book when I was 16, and thoroughly enjoyed/identified with the main character, until the once sentence reveal at the end.

you took the words right out of my mouth. I read the book when I was 16, and thoroughly enjoyed/identified with the main character, until the once sentence reveal at the end.