You couldn't get him to sign The Princess Bride?
You couldn't get him to sign The Princess Bride?
I find LBJ to be one of the most tragic figures in American history. He could have been a truly great man, but he let himself get sucked in to a truly terrible war, bit by bit. If he'd been president a few years earlier or a few years later, there could be a Lyndon Johnson monument on the mall and we'd have LBJ on the…
If pandering gets stuff done, I'll take it. I'd rather have someone like Nixon who agrees to bills he doesn't like because they're popular than some Tea Partier who sticks to his guns no matter what and manages to sabotage our entire system. (Not that that excuses what Nixon did, of course.)
I think that Watergate is a big part of the reason the US didn't end up as liberal as Western Europe. Nixon managed to discredit government in the eyes of the people. When Reagan came along promising to dismantle government and restore the mythological moral America that people thought used to exist at an undefined…
Wait, only 35? James Franco is younger than me? Damn it!
At the blooming of the red flower.
"Is your husband working on a case, Mrs. Charles?"
"Yes, a case of scotch. Would you like to help him?"
They make boozing look so awesome. I don't even drink, but these movies (the two I've seen, anyway) make me want to.
And she looked about 21 for fifteen years.
I didn't support the Iraq War and wasn't aware that Dan Savage did, but I also don't especially give a shit if he did. People are allowed to have different opinions, and while some of those who supported the invasion of Iraq did so for very wrong reasons, including Islamophobia, imperialism and general warmongering,…
My hair is already starting to turn white, and I'm just barely past the constitutional minimum.
I live in a little town with a duck pond in the little park in the center. You see a lot of duck rape there. A lot. Locals pretty much ignore it, but the tourists obviously find it pretty upsetting. I see lots of little kids trying, and generally failing, to break it up. It's totally hilarious.
Or me!
Shortly after 9/11, a friend of mine saw a guy in a turban getting brutally harassed by Dodgers fans in SF. Ultimately, a large group of Giants fans stood up for him and I think she said the abusive guys were ejected. I like to think that they stood up for him because people in San Francisco are fundamentally decent…
I was really amused by some shirts I saw for sale next to Yankee Stadium that said "Bahston sucks cahk!" Classy stuff.
Fortunately all the leads in this one are over eighteen.
Well if you watch porn, you can see that in reality we do love dykes.
I sometimes come in a pink box.
*crosses picket line, feels bad about betraying fellow workers*
She's available now. Why not give her a call? What's the worst that can happen? I guess it can end up like it did last time, but even then you were back out on the street in just a few months.