This is probably true. I'd imagine that when you're watching like five or ten movies a week (that you don't get to choose) anything that's a little bit different is going to appeal to you.
This is probably true. I'd imagine that when you're watching like five or ten movies a week (that you don't get to choose) anything that's a little bit different is going to appeal to you.
I loved Saturday Night Fever right up until Travolta got rapey. Seventies protagonists were way too rapey.
I know a ton of people who ran into him at random times, too. In every story, he was very friendly to people who he'd never met.
I don't know if I'd say it was fashionable to shit on him so much as people knew what he was capable of and weren't too happy with him when he aimed so much lower. But now that he's gone, maybe with can stop harping on him for things like Patch Adams and remember him instead for things like Good Morning Vietnam and…
I served him at work not long ago. I thought at the time he seemed a little sad, although I think sadness was always an important component of his persona. But knowing that this was probably a suicide, of course I'm reading even more into that sadness. Anyway, he was a very gracious guy for the few minutes I spoke…
I'm pretty sure Hannity thinks Arabs grow from spores.
God made light! Get out of my studio!
My uninformed opinion is that O'Reilly is an opinionated blowhard, but not really a malicious guy. He'll eventually agree to disagree with you (as long as he doesn't have the power to cut your mic) and he also has a few opinions that stray from conservative orthodoxy. Beck is a huckster, pure and simple. I don't think…
When Hannity reminds his audience that someone likes to laugh at him, and by extension at them, it feeds into their sense that they, the good, decent, hard-working, real Americans, are being looked down upon by evil, moral relativist, Un-American elitists, feeding into the persecution complex that Fox News lovingly…
A terrorism joke Israeli in poor taste.
Bobbie joined a New Wave band, changed her name to Bobbie Sox.
Or 88 lines about 44 women.
I thought I saw mine for a minute, but it actually said Bort.
They were doing this in other countries months ago. I was in Turkey last year and every time I bought a Coke it said Yilmaz or Aydin or Ilknur or something on it in huge letters. It took me a while to figure out that those were names and not just random words. (Actually, a lot of Turkish names are words; it would be…
The AV Club
Why fucking bother?
There is no such thing as too stupid to be president. Our 40th and 43rd presidents prove that.
Or they could have shown them Rise of the Guardians of the Galaxy Quest for Fire Proof of Life of Brian's Song of the South. Which would be pretty confusing, I think.
Sloth bear.
Son of Neckbeard watched it for the first time this past February and was underwhelmed. Murray came off as so gross in the first half of the film that he had trouble rooting for him in the second half.
I don't even drink, but after a few days hanging around the Wal-Mart in Sharp County, a 40 minute drive to the liquor store in Lanton, MO sounded like a lot of fun.