Rollo Tomassi

Does the last episode end with Gwyneth Paltrow's head in a box? Because I know some people who might want to see that.

Are you mocking him?

People tend to divide everything that ever happened into two categories: "stuff I remember" and everything else. I took a vacation to Vietnam a few years ago. I was talking about it a few months after I got back and my girlfriend's son asked me if I was there before or after the war. I'm 37 years old.

I like the even more passive "There's mail."

I was just listening to the Waterboys yesterday and thinking, "Man, this is such a great album. It's too bad they have such an awful, awful name."

Humans have only been in New Zealand for like a thousand years. That's nuts.

I once had a co-worker ask me "If evolution is true, then why wouldn't a flower become a person?" I was unable to explain to him that that's not how evolution works, not to mention that human beings aren't necessarily the pinnacle of all life.

Well, Swinton does love to crush her enemies, see them driven before her, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

I'm talking about the show. I haven't paid much attention, I'll admit, but it seems kind of repetitive.

Collaborate and listen.

Maybe it's not a gimmick, but the actual Christoph Waltz. And he's a tool.

Yep, tough talk, that's all it takes. Ask anyone on Fox News about the Crimea crisis and they'll all agree.

"Dad, I gotta peg 'em all!"

NO! Reagan is god! Everything he did was perfect! Heretic! HEEERETIIIIC!!!
-Every Republican in America today

Is it just me, or does Dothraki seem really half-assed? It's like they came up with about a half dozen words and a basic idea of how the grammar functions and then just filled the empty spaces with a few "DOTHOK DO KALA TAK's." I'm not expecting a completely developed fictional language, but maybe a little more effort

I thought here Hellish torment would be to ACTUALLY be wheelchair bound and have Bette Davis as her caretaker.

Bernie Goetz?

Reagan told multiple people that he was part of a film crew that documented one of the death camps after its liberation. I'm not sure if it included Gorbachev, but it did include the Prime Minister of Israel. He also cited the final moments of a Dana Andrews movie as being something that really happened, and for which

I only read the comments to make sure that someone referenced Peep Show. And I only know who Bez is because Peep Show got me to look him up on Wikipedia.

Show me on the doll where Michael Jackson ruined your childhood.