
The only basic zombie skill necessary: nothing less than a head shot kills zombies… which, to be fair, he did teach them.

A good life there? Really?

Am I the only one who thinks the Governor is the only interesting character on this show and is actively rooting for him?

Can't that logic be applied to virtually every episode of this series?

You're saying this as if any of the main cast of characters is at all compelling and /orworthy of our genuine attachment.

Frankly, it seemed to me that they had survived on dumb luck. After all of this time they still hadn't figured out that a head shot puts down a zombie for good?

Yes, taking out 3 zombies barehanded in a pit (one of them having their throat ripped out) definitely shows just how much trouble he was having killing zombies.

Anytime I see him interviewed I get the idea he just woke up from a coma.

Like them or not they had considerable success. Six #1 hits and a string of charting singles.

But it smells like maple syrup. No really, it does. Have a sniff!

Err… isn't he American? Sure he has some French-Canadian descent, but he doesn't qualify as a Canuck, eh.

Airbrushing, photoshop, hair and makeup artists, lighting and an excellent photographer.

Exactly. The first film set these guys up as eccentrics dabbling in fields widely viewed as pseudo-science (at best), or in the case of Venkman, complete hacks.

You may want to reconsider your thoughts on whether you're a violent man. You know, just based on that comment.

Your personal, subjective opinion has been duly noted. :-) Having said that, I think both of them are hacks and, frankly, I can't decide which is hackier.

I'm not seeing the connection with David Warner and Voyage Home.

It's another lie. Mc and Mac can be Scottish or Irish.

Chicago and Atlanta (or, that town Matlock was in) aren't even close to the top 6 cities with the highest murder rates.

Just to clarify, are you saying that Jeselnik is orders of magnitude better or worse than Tosh. I mean, it really could go either way, no?

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….. you're wrong.