
"Look here, see, this is a stick up, see. We're going to take all of the bearer bonds from the vault. Myah." — Hans Gruber

One of the best parts of the "No One Lives Forever" franchise of games was the bits where you sneak up on henchman and hear them talk about personal, water cooler kind of stuff just before you burst through the door and, as you say, casually off them.

I love "Willow". Sure it's not a perfect film like "Die Hard", but it's pretty damn enjoyable.

"Die Hard" and "Hard Boiled" are 1a and 1b on my list of best action films ever. They're just endlessly rewatchable.

Technically, he left the band after the first album but yeah, that's a pretty amusing connection. :-)

After giving this album a few spins my initial disappointment has been elevated to feeling this is their best effort outside of "In Ghost Colours". Having said that, and as with other albums in their discography, there are as many clunkers as scorchers on this disc. "We are Explorers", "Meet Me in the House of Love",

She has Laura M's vote and potentially Tina and Katie's. Caleb is a complete mystery and seems to make knee jerk reactions, so he conceivably could vote for her as spite against Tyson. I suspect Vytas and Aras probably would not vote for Tyson as he was instrumental to their demise.

The best goat for Tyson and Gervase would be Monica. While she's poroving to be an immunity beast she's not well liked by the others (e.g. little to no social game).

Re: crappy winners: you could say the same about Survivor. I've lost count how many times I've wanted to throw my remote through the TV screen in the finale.

Also, Monica probably weighs about 100lbs dripping weight. So there's that.

Do you think Tyson would actually want to bring Ciera into the final 3 with him? Then again, if Ciera is voted out he could suffer the wrath of her and her Mom in the final jury vote.

That was classic Tyson. He made reference to just how much food he gorged on. I gotta give it to Tyson, at least one remark of his each episode makes me laugh out loud.

Man, I'll never understand the Coach and Ozzy hate. Next thing you know, you'll be saying you hate Russell too! Yeesh!

Ciera makes me cringe.

The trailer for the next episode seems to indicate that Hayden is lobbying for a Tyson blindside — though that could just be a complete and utter red herring (I can't see Gervase flipping).

My Ciera hatred grows with each episode. Smug, willing to throw her Mom under the bus at the first opportunity and absolutely terrible at pretty much any competition.

Nice to see some Patlabor love here! Not sure how Planetes slipped past my radar — definitely going to check that out. Thanks!

Psst… I downvoted your comment.

The problem I have with the film version of Akira is that it's so difficult to divorce the experience of having these amazingly stunning visuals and then trying to decipher the incoherent narrative.

Patlabor deserves special mention. Most people are familiar with the more serious-minded film versions but the OVAs and television series are phenomenal. Wildly diverse and memorable characters, compelling dramatic arcs, action and some zany comedy — but it all somehow works and is easily one of the greatest anime