
So basically, you want people with dissenting opinions to shut up or articulate a counter-argument.

But if I disagree with someone's sentiment - even if it's articulate - why shouldn't I be able to downvote? Or do you also feel that upvoting is a "seriously lame" device too?

Hard-working no doubt, but I think the jury may still be out on whether these two are talented and/or witty when it comes to feature films. This film looks positively dire and the fact that they wrote the screenplay for "Bride Wars"? Hmmm… there's got to be better material these two can come up with.

You still chirping, little bird?

Actually, it appears that both you and "Tim C" want to play with me.


You made the initial statement. I asked you to elaborate on it and am waiting for you to do so but now you're just stalling.

You are painting yourself as a grandiloquent, fustian and wholly pretentious windbag, and I must say, you are doing a bang up job of it.

A few thoughts on your response:

"In Ghost Colours" was absolutely fantastic though I felt "Zonoscope" was a bit uneven (loooove "Sun God" though).

I have to admit, I actually like the song "Shock to the System". Call it a guilty pleasure. The rest of the album? I remember listening to it back in '93 and being entirely underwhelmed.

I'm kind of confused by the include of "The Three Musketeers" on this list. It's not exactly trying to be high art — it's a Disney vehicle through-and-through and contains a few amusing performances (Curry and Platt, specifically) that make it, if not great, at least very charming.

The burden of proof to explain one's critical opinions of art - positive or negative - is on the person voicing said opinions. So I'll ask again:


Okay, I'll bite: why are the paintings not good? Please provide a thoughtful, critical analysis of said paintings.

Nah, Wolv3rin3.

"Sound", "We're Going to Miss You", "What For" and "Come Down" are pretty class too.

I nearly spit up my drink reading this comment. Well done, sir!

In 10,000 years time, when man is surfing solar flares, the question will suddenly seem pretty legit…

Perhaps it's not that some fans are going "overboard" with
their defense of the book but that it's generally considered to be a classic in the genre by a (Titanic-sized) boatload of people. A quick search on the interwebs for "best science fiction novels ever" lends credence to this notion.