
Truly phenomenal. Thanks for that!

Fair enough. Technically, "The Thing" is based off of the novella "Who Goes There?" (as was "The Thing from Another World").

I agree that the CGI doesn't quite hold up in the 2011 version of the film, but let's not kid ourselves about the special effects in the 1982 version — they look very, very dated. And this is coming from someone who views the '82 version as perhaps the greatest horror film of all-time.

I'll never understand why people feel "The Thing" (2011) is "shit". I mean, sure, it doesn't try to do much different than the '82 version (itself, a remake), but it pretty much hits all of the right notes and sure as hell is a better horror flick than pretty much anything else in the past 5 years.

"Prince of Darkness" is a phenomenal horror film. I can't think of many films like it ("The Keep" comes to mind) — there's a genuine, palpable creepiness that pervades the movie. Sure, it's a little schlocky in parts, and there's some dubious acting but to say there's "no redeeming features" is pretty fucking wrong.

Led Zep's "Houses of the Holy" and Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" surely rank up there (or above) "Quadrophenia".

Zeppelin falls short of The Who? Those be fighting words!!

I'll say it: The Who are better than the Stones.

Damn, I need to see this. Where I can find this on the interwebs? My 2 second search on Google proved fruitless. :-(

I always think of "Remedy" when someone mentions the Black Crowes. And I'll be damned if that song still doesn't kick a lot of ass…

Nolan's films tap into the darker, grittier side of Batman. They're in the same vein as Alan Moore and Frank Miller's vision of the franchise. The character, no matter how absurd (billionaire man in bat suit fighting crime), can and does work without the need to inject silly humour to remind us just how absurd the

Whoa whoa whoa… let's not get too excited here. Batman Returns may be the best realized of the pre-Nolan films, but "fucking amazing"? Nahhh…

All too easy.

The film adaptation of HHGTTG was an abomination. Let us not speak of it again.

So you do care! Game, set and match.

1) If you know what an Ewok is you obviously do give a shit about it in some shape or form. I know plenty of people who don't know fuck all about Star Wars because they don't give a shit and would have no idea what the hell an Ewok is, nor care to post in a forum about Star Wars whilst claiming they didn't.

Tunisian tourism officials?

People live in pretty extreme, inhospitable environments on this planet, no?

If you haven't given an "ewok's ass" about Star Wars since 1977:

You mean Episode II.