
True, but I don't think Morrissey was coy and mysterious because of any perceived social pressure to remain in the closet.

It is…. but it's also murder.

From an interview with Stipe:

@avclub-2a6ac9e5324952e36b40237cf2fcdad8:disqus I'd rather not sell Marvel on changing the original source material. I'd rather sell Marvel on bringing characters like Luke Cage, Black Panther, Falcon, Bishop, Sunspot, Sunfire, Jubilee, Omega Sentinel, Indra, Black Box, Forge, Thunderbird, Warpath, et al. to the

Again, why do they need to think outside of the box? And if we're talking about "diversity", why are we talking about making the entire team "black"?


To play devil' advocate, why does Marvel have to think outside the box?

It's not racist… it's purist.

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus I can understand someone (incorrectly) liking Breaking Bad over Game of Thrones, but to say that GoT isn't up there with the best of them over the past 15 years is patently silly.

I pronounce flaccid as "flak-sid" as opposed to the more common (and incorrect) "flass-id". Unfortunately, this proper pronunciation has lead to many heated debates and, irritatingly, laughter at my expense.

If you can live with being wrong, godspeed.

To be fair, they were… (actually not sure if Quinto was)

If only!

It definitely sucks but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's the complete, steaming pile of ridiculous vomit shit that is Battlefield Earth.

I found the whole "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" motif absolutely fascinating and hysterical. Good television can sometimes be "filler" television.

I somehow suspect those investors will not be the first up against the wall when the revolution comes.

Apparently, MLS is ranked 7th in the world in terms of soccer leagues.

Surprisingly no, it isn't. But I reckon is should be!

Seriously. I'll never understand the gimmick posting schtick.

Nahh… After careful consideration, I don`t buy anything you just said.