
I actually got exactly what I expected and loved every minute of it — and I'm a huge fan of the original TRON. Go figure. Then again, every other fanboy/girl of the original I've talked to (okay, so 3 other people) loved it as much.

"Something I Can Never Have". Now that's a NIN track that would be pretty tough to keep the mood on point.

If you can't do it to NIN's "Closer" then you're doing it wrong.

Totally agreed.

According to the man himself:

You would expect… but in reality?

I would actually say that Tywin is more like Gus than Walter.

It's extremely disconcerting that:

There's a reason why I halted reading the Song of Ice and Fire series after reading A Storm of Swords (which I got around to about 7-8 years ago) — this guy is a terminal procrastinator.

Fassbinder might be closer to Polanski in terms of being a monster than Fosse.

*Checks The Smiths discography*

Maybe he drinks too much Pepsi?

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus According to whom? TDKR is almost universally considered a "masterpiece" in Batman's bibliography.

Sign me up. I loved 300, Watchmen and Man of Steel (unironically).

I would argue that none of the songs on this album are the best.

@avclub-b20754d0f1e8ae843e00a8b39a667112:disqus Good point (and it makes everything I said completely moot).


I think my point is this: if they're funny, who gives a fuck what colour skin they're wearing over their body?

If they're funny, who gives a fuck?

It really does.