
@avclub-0c4eda39c04c2b0566526710ddfa7dad:disqus The difference here is that this is not a list. This is a definitive, absolute proclamation. Get it?

Welcome to the interwebs…

To be perfectly honest, its articles that claim "this is the best shit eva, bra!!!" that tends to turn many readers off. (yes, I'm hyperbolizing how this article made its proclamation)

Yo, there's a difference between "50 Best" and "THE Best".

I don't think it's brought up much because…. it isn't true? "Bizarrely hot" is not something I would attribute to Stan's wife.

"He trusted the audience to follow him rather than try to dumb it down for them."

Annnnnd the "Man of Steel" hate continues. Fuck it, I loved the film regardless of whether it was a retread of Supes 2.

Weee… I'm a "rock elitist"! :-)

I hate your post with a passion (and still do).

Of course, that only counts if you consider hip hop "music".

Counter-counterpoint: He's right.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus You hit the nail on the head. Ewok hatred is a largely retroactive phenomenon — born out of the tres chic anti-Lucas sentiment that followed the Special Edition blunders (and, of course, the prequels).

I'm unironically looking forward to this.

"Flaming leftist" and "cool" are mutually exclusive terms.

A nice review but I think you would be doing a disservice to new listeners of Washed Out's music by introducing to them to a track like "Weightless".

Totally agreed. Absolutely brilliant.

@avclub-2bdeb0325d28c8cd038bf44e36f49eb5:disqus You said it, but it couldn't be further from the truth.

Never a fan of Bow Wow Wow, but damn do I love the Razed in Black remix of "I Want Candy".


I have to admit, the mole is distracting.