
"Hot Fuzz" felt longer than it's two hour running time for me. Good movie but not something I'll want to repeat anytime soon. "Shaun of the Dead"? I could watch that movie over and over…

Anyone who finds masturbation monotonous must be doing it wrong.

Apparently the idea for the album was based off an old cartoon. Couple that with the fact it was never really intended for public release and was barely even mixed.

I can only assume Depeche Mode's "Construction Time Again" was left off the list because it's great but NOT underappreciated? "Great" is certainly subjective but it sure as hell is as great as many of the albums on this list.

Incorrect. This is his best single by far and "Flesh for Fantasy" is right up there too.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus I can totally understand having an issue with people who tell those who are depressed and contemplating suicide to find a "higher power". Fucking right on.
But to take issue with people who preach that suicide should not be an option and how stupid it is? Fuck you. What

Return of the Jedi is the perfect companion piece to ESB. I can't watch one without the other.

Blame Procol Harum, I guess.

So…. you're against this video, against Russell Simmons, or both?!

First reaction: Cool story, bro.

It may not have been a "good" idea but should it really have stirred up so much controversy? That's what I find so infuriating. People are actually *outraged* by this.

I have a feeling this exact same conversation happened years ago at the advent of VCR.

Counterpoint: Any sports team name that isn't in plural form sucks.

Get this man a prize!

I can't fully agree with that. When I look at a guy like Victor Salva, who molested a 12 year old boy (and taped it!), I can't divorce the thought from my brain when watching one of his films. The same goes with Polanski.

Twitter is pretty awful and obnoxious. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

My favourite number ever.

This review does not read like a B. More like a A-/B+… no?

I don't get the slavish hate for an entire genre of music. I don't follow genres, I follow whatever music happens to hit the right note for me.
