
Ahem. "Sto'Vo'Kor".

@avclub-b6295f9a8b2d34f30d97c042a431dd6e:disqus I'm not sure if you're being facetious or not but "being carded" means that a bartender is asking for your ID to prove you're of legal age to be served alcohol.

Please tell me I wasn't the only one who rolled their eyes at her story of being carded. I'm not a violent man, but I wanted to punch her in the face for that comment.

Orrrr…. perhaps they were considered unattractive to those people in the "in-crowd"? Were you in the "in-crowd"? I suspect not?

Big Trouble in Little China and Prince of Darkness are top tier films.

Oh by the way, which one's Pink?

I would actually equate TNG's rise in quality to the first appearance of Riker's beard.

"Duet" from DS9's first season is among the finest of any episodes across all of the ST series. Just watched that one the other day and I was shocked at how resonant and powerful it still was.

Nerd? Nahhhh…

I want the Indiana Jones whip!!!

Your concluding use of an ellipsis has intrigued me. Do spin the rest of this mysterious yarn!

Conversely, in Japan that period was truly a golden age for anime:

@avclub-e0a1578b57e32929a77892fadf0d0b40:disqus I think you meant The Beatles' *version* instead of the Joe Cocker *cover*.

Hmmm… I'll agree with the implication that most people seem to think Floyd can only be appreciated while stoned but I don't agree with their albums being categorized as "pretty straightforward rock" (unless you're talking post-Final Cut??).

Nice to see some love for Puppy and Pitchfork. Kind of surprised that you can't stand VNV though. There must be at least a couple tracks by the band that you like? It's not exactly too far removed from PP with the exception of Spilles cookie monster vocals compared to Ronan's nasally/constipated delivery.

Agreed on Nitzer Ebb. Never understood the love for that band.

Completely disagree. "Advance and Follow" has to be the album I listen to the least in their discography and I rarely listen to "Praise the Fallen". "Empires" I can see an argument for being their best proper album ("Burning Empires" is a fantastic companion piece) but their last few albums have been pretty much on

I was under the impression that Soderbergh downgraded "retirement" to "sabbatical". Having said that: most active sabbatical ever.

You need to post the recordings on Youtube so the rest of us can enjoy the fruits of your younger-self's labors. :-)

I find the concept of music snobs bashing Nirvana about as disconcerting as most professional critics fellating Nirvana.