
Music snobs are most certainly the worst. Jazz snobs being the pinnacle of the music snob hierarchy.


I don't hate the Eagles — I just never developed a real interest in hearing more of the tracks after hearing their "hits". When I was in my teenage-music-formative-years I was too busy digging into Pink Floyd deep cuts and wasting my days listening to Led Zep to bother.

Crazy, I had no idea the HHGTTG theme was an Eagles song! I honestly thought that was an original theme created for the radio drama. *sheepish*

Oh please. The Academy knew well and good that Star Wars was a cultural phenomena that changed the game by the time they voted. They had what, 11 months to witness the shockwaves that the film had created? Add to that the sheer volume of technical achievements the film had innovated.

Runaway Jury and Behind Enemy Lines aren't bad. But Mooseport… eegad.

What the fuck is "Best" anyway? Frankly, I think the best interpretation would be the film that best captures the cinema world's imagination and ushers in a new age of film. A film that innovates on many levels. "Star Wars" may not have had the most brilliant script in the world but it sure as hell introduced the most

@avclub-9f48597b8abf893bd6e44327c7f0e5d9:disqus Oh, come on. You're trying to tell me there's not a single Thanos tale to tell on the big screen that could be fucking awesome?

Just for the record, if they're "good looking" men you do understand the fascination?

It would appear that Mark Ruffalo is locked up as Hulk for 6 pictures. I'm not sure if that includes cameos (e.g. Iron Man 3?).

Thanos has been the baddie in some of the most compelling arcs in Marvel history so I take no issue in him have some big screen representation.

As female villains with boobies go in The Last Unicorn, I'd certainly rather be smothered by the tree than the harpy.

Ummm… FUCK NO.


I actually never knew there was a link between Paul and the former MLB commissioner! Crazy.

I honestly can't think of a scene in all of the films I've watched over the years where a woman looked as stunningly gorgeous than Virginia in Dune.

The "Aries Club Mix" for "In Denial" is fantastic.

"Young Offender" is one of my favourite tracks on the album. "One and One Makes Five" may be one of the weaker tracks on the album (perhaps the weakest?) but it's still a solid tune on an unimpeachably phenomenal album.

I'm not sure if I agree that Fairley deserves a nod over Clarke, but they are both fantastic and both deserving.

@avclub-f0515224f9bd6965ce057c8112952c08:disqus He may not have been dead but to the band he might as well have been. Shit, they didn't even recognize him at first when he actually stumbled into the studio while recording the album.