
Fucking this. This all day.

The pedantic Floyd fan in me must make two corrections:

I've always assumed as such. Then again, it's difficult to comprehend Sumner's lyrics as most of the time they seem to be just cobbled together as an after-thought.

Sounds like there's actually a subtle caveat: bandmates either dead or *about to die* (e.g. Eric Carr was actually part of the recording!!).

I'm not so sure I agree with the idea that the entire album is about Syd's experience with (and without) the band. "Welcome to the Machine" and "Have a Cigar" are clearly Roger Waters' personal, vitriolic indictments of the music industry.

@avclub-236e42b5af241c85d97910f5c1aa6107:disqus Check out the fanedit "Dune: Alternative Edition Redux" for an absolutely fantastic version of the film. The editor completed some of the missing visual effects (e.g. missing blue eyes), re-sequenced some of the scenes to add more coherence to the narrative, and, married

@avclub-29ec0fbe1f8e460ddba44677001af386:disqus Psst… my reply to your opinion WAS, in fact, an opinion. That's kind of how they work, yo.

… Clint Barton.

Well, they could always try to film the original script for Day of the Dead. The one Romero wanted to shoot.

Not according to Sesame Street creators.

Why not create an iconic gay character instead of changing an already existing character? God forbid.

I take it you've never been to Quebec?

Seriously? "Black Hole Sun" is your most hated song ever? Shit, this guy needs to listen to more music. Stupid lyrics and godawful video aside, this song isn't even remotely close to being Soundgarden's worst song.

Dan does seem to be "phoning it in" recently. I really get the feeling he's: a) too busy with a myriad number of projects to really spend as much time as he should with his advice column, b) has become jaded after years and years of dispensing advice, c) both a) and b).

Psst, Michael Cera and Alison Pill are Canucks, eh.

Chris Nolan deserves mention.

I actually disagree with this. I watched it for the second time the other day and  it didn't quite hold up to my initial viewing. Still had its moments but it doesn't hold a candle to "Shaun of the Dead" — a film that definitely delivers on multiple viewings.

You can also count on Dead Set NOT being "absurdly terrible".

I actually thought he played the part pitch perfect. My arms have remained intact.

@avclub-d7b683529752a4d24d84c4941861a363:disqus Thanks for adapting my post. I expect to be paid, thanks.