
They didn't steal it, but it's not like they commissioned and conceived of it in response to the Supreme Court ruling. They simply photoshopped an already existing piece. That was sort of my point. :-)

It's interesting to note that this picture was originally conceived over a year ago to a Tumblr. The New Yorker simply took the pic and modified its original TV image of Obama to the shot of the Supreme Court.

Where the hell are Jimmy Page and David Gilmour in that list? And who the fuck is Synyster Gates and why is his name so incredibly lame?

His vocals on the track "A Little Respect" are fantastic.

Per Alien Nation, it was certainly a refreshingly candid (if douche-y) response.

Pics or it didn't happen.

With Sympathy and Twitch are the only albums I would ever consider spinning by Ministry. Everything else is pretty shit.

I, for one, enjoy a fresh take on superheroes. Golden, Silver and Bronze Age Superman had their day - and are still enjoyable - but as I've gotten older (and I'd like to think "wiser"), I'm much more interested in a "serious" spin on the Superman fable.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus I think my point was this: supposed "experts" do stupid shit all of the time.

What exactly, could Superman do to prevent the battle royal with Zod in the midst of Metropolis? Zod was fucking terraforming Earth to recreate Krypton which was causing much of the destruction that was occurring.

Maybe, but then that never stopped the Croc Hunter from doing stupid shit all of the time. Stupid shit that finally got him killed… by a stingray barb of all things.

Considering we share 55% of our DNA with banana trees I think I can buy that we may share a close approximation to the Engineers.

Hmmm… I'm going to say you probably do?!

You are introducing logic and a well-sounded counterpoint into this discussion. For shame!

Yes, Transformers 3 was the first film to ever depict the trashing of a major city as a climactic set piece.

I'm thinking the analogy here is that Cap has been portrayed with all of the values and attributes (morally and thematically) that you would expect a depiction of Superman to embody.

Sooooo… Snyder should have had Supes and Zod duke it out in the vacuum of outer space to spare your delicate sensibilities while watching a fictional superhero film, correct?

No Toronto. Sigh.

Didn't Sir Paul categorically deny that?

You and your subjective opinion are objectively wrong in this case. That is all.