
I have yet to see a Snyder film I didn't enjoy.

The LEGO space sets were class. I used to create massive mash-up starships and then slowly obliterate them in a cataclysmic battle with my Star Wars figures.

How old are you? When I was a kid, some 30+ years ago, LEGO came in pre-designed sets too.

You're probably thinking of "Alien versus Predator" (1999) and "Alien versus Predator 2" (2001). Both were fantastic games and were split up into 3 separate campaigns: as the marine, predator and xenomorph.

Ask Eddie Vedder.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy made over what, 3 billion in ticket sales… in North America alone? Like it or not, he's going to be fucking remembered as Saruman.

He corresponded with Tolkien and had said that he had wanted to play Gandalf if ever a film version was made. So I'd be very surprised if Lee wouldn't feel delighted that he be remembered for his role as Saruman above all others.

In other words, not a true story at all?

Count me as an apologist for Enterprise which I felt was easily one of the strongest entries in the Star Trek franchise.

@avclub-dd447685c5e7ee4499734a2074294b82:disqus Agreed. Those people are absolutely fools. Goldsmith's score was pedestrian and completely unmemorable.

Here's where I get "Five Steps" by The Davenports stuck in everyone's heads.

I think his point is that it doesn't need to be the nature of the game. It shouldn't be the nature of the game.

Vampire Weekend has always left me cold and mildly irritated. This new album does not improve my opinion of them.

@avclub-c26473f2f4772a2a52e4690515ce6e75:disqus Agreed. Unfortunately, George is a great "ideas" man but doesn't seem to have the chops to write something "thought provoking". I suppose THX-1138 is about as close as he'll ever get…

@avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus You still haven't provided any examples of better world building sci-fi than Star Wars. :-)

The original, unaltered theatrical versions of Star Wars are easily my longest love. Having said that, the Special Editions and Prequels really took some of the wind out of my sails.

Star Wars has never been mistaken for wanting to be a "thought provoking" piece of science fiction. It's space fantasy through and through.

Never say never. CGI has improved by leaps and bounds in the past decade alone. I honestly believe that in the (perhaps not so distant?) future, CGI - whether it be actors, sets, props, etc. - will be completely indistinguishable from their "real" counterparts.


@avclub-ecbdad96460f85751944de9d6c2d50fe:disqus He didn't just "ask a question". It was a direct criticism on the initial post and oozed righteous indignation.
But your mileage may vary. *shrugs*