
Who made you God-King of what is "appropriate"? Is it okay if the *second* post on a death notice is a "fucking dick joke"? Third? Seventeenth?

@avclub-043a5755513643c7f4a9cd35380ec33e:disqus As I understand it, O' is Irish for "from".

Technically, that's racist.

Apparently, this is completely incorrect but has persisted in the popular consciousness for some reason.

I could have, but none were necessary…

@avclub-0f582db1571dbc18ef01cfd0ce961178:disqus *cough* Adolf Hitler *cough*

To quote myself on this thread:

"Stupidest fucking thing in the world". You haven't seen too many movies, have you?

Pics or it didn't happen.

@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus It's kind of funny, but it's the editing and comic book panels that I liked about Hulk… it's everything else that I found so completely unmemorable.

Counter-counterpoint: You're utterly wrong. I'm no MKS apologist, but this film was brilliant.

Disrespectfully disagree.

Commando is the greatest piece of stupid action ever put to film. I like The Rock, but come on, man — show some respect!

Frankly, I thought this guy was trying way too hard and came across as a bit of a douche.

London was announced as the official host of the 2012 Olympics in July of 2005. Filming of Children of Men began in November 05…

Nothing more irritating than a fellow audience member adding their own dialogue to a film. One of the reasons I rarely go to the theatre these days…

It's taken from a 70s, Japanese biker documentary title. That's kind of awesome, actually.

Disagreed. It was decent if forgettable.

I'd love to see Spider-Man pop up in an Avengers film or have cross-over, mega-event films such as Secret Wars filmed.

What irritates me about music reviews is the notion that a 40 min album can be distilled down into a few vague paragraphs. Also, how many times have you listened to an album and been disappointed that it didn't live up to its predecessor only to discover it's awesomeness months later? Happens to me all of the time.