
No mention of the film Crazy People??

Sony… Bony.

Tron Legacy was "idiotic"? Hunh?

It would be best if Disney conveniently removed the prequels from canon and re-imagined them at some point.

Fucking right. I'm sick of the internet hive mind that has decided that the Ewoks sucked. That kind of backlash mindset wasn't even really a blip on the radar until the Ewoks TV movies came out and has since turned into harped upon, retconned hatred for the film.

Since when have Muppets ever ruined a movie? The Ewoks rocked, man.

Summer '68 is an overlooked gem.

I would argue that Floyd is a different beast altogether when Rick's presence is diminished. "The Wall" is one of Pink Floyd's finest records and had very little, if any, input from Rick. One could argue that Floyd ceased to be Floyd after "Animals" as Waters effectively dominated the band thereafter but then, there

"All Cats are Grey" is truly fantastic.

The reason it's derivative of Tolkien is because it was Lucas' response to not being able to secure the rights to film LOTR.

Not my favourite track by Lennon but not a bad one. I stand by my statement.

IMHO, Lennon's "Double Fantasy" is pretty great. Or at least, it is if you subtract the Ono contributions.

This isn't the real Paul. He died, man.

Out of the way, Peck!

So you're a Star Wars fan?

I can certainly understand how an artist could be upset when their vision is distorted. For example, I wouldn't be exceptionally pleased if I were Alan Moore watching the film version of LXG.

The remake doesn't hold a candle to the original in terms of curing insomnia. "Tarkovsky" is Russian for "glacial" isn't it?

I'm Canadian, have always lived in Canada and knew of Metric… but I didn't hear this song until a couple of years ago. True story, bro.

Let's see Kansas cover this.

Maybe the only American Imperial? I always thought it was curious that the rest of the gang was British.