
Michael Sheard (Admiral Ozzel) would like to have a (posthumous) word with you.

I wonder how they would refer to her role in Conan the Destroyer?

Honestly, I thought that Guinness was being an over-sensitive cunt when he suggested that to the young fan.

Some of the fan edits make the prequels down right watchable.

Half-assed or half-baked. We're really splitting hairs here aren't we?

Which one? Indiana? Arkansas? Hawaii? The fictional place the song refers to?

That's… pretty ridiculous.

Well, for starters, referring to it as "Dr. Who" instead of "Doctor Who" would get you lynched.

Hmmm… that Beatles medley isn't actually as atrocious as I expected. I remember enjoying it when I was a kid when this thing came out.

I actually agree with the song being "shapeless". It's probably the only track I ever skip on Zooropa.

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Call me crazy but I kinda always dug that Manson/Beatles line. I also always loved his "This song is not a rebel song. This song is Sunday Bloody Sunday" declaration.

Rattle and Hum is a gleaming turd in the midst of that 5 year run. Granted, "God Part II", "All I Want is You" and "Desire" are decent tracks but the rest? Rubbish.

Achtung Baby!
The Unforgettable Fire
Joshua Tree
Rattle & Hum

I was a big fan of U2 up until the release of "Pop". That seemed to be the turning point for me as they spiraled further and further away out of relevance for me from then on; each album progressively worse than the last.

Joe Carter would like to have a word with you.

What about Arizona baseball?

Hey, at least they came to their senses and rewrote the "Yellowstone" scene into the (much maligned) sequel.

Not understanding the "Estranged" hate here. Sure, the video is epic in its ridiculousness/pretension, but it's a damn fine song. Hrmmphhh.

Nahh… the whole film is fantastic.
