
Thanks. I really appreciate that. I really open myself up in the book and in the essay, and that made me vulnerable. Really, really vulnerable so I'm really pleased that people have been kind so far. Kindness is not necessarily something you expect in the pop-culture realm or the online world.

To be fair, the advance I got for my first book was the lowest possible six-figure advance: a hundred thousand. Still amazing, still incredible, still much more than it turned out to be worth to my publisher. It allowed me to buy a home and court my now-wife long distance while she was getting her master's from Brown. 

Thanks. Those lines were totally self-deprecating. I appreciate the empathy and understanding. Those are great.

It's right up there for me. Made my top ten list last year.

Yeah, it definitely captures the rhythms of the show and what makes it so great and so much fun.

Thank you so much!

Thank you.

Thank you so much! I'm really appreciative I got to do the book, and am extremely proud of it, even if it didn't sell particularly well.

Yeah, I've heard that he took the project because it reminded him of his relationship with Hyland, which would mark the only time in Travolta's career that he ever made a big professional mistake for personal reasons.

Thanks, man. I got misty writing the column and misty again reading the comments so I think it's okay for us all to openly express emotion.

Aw, thanks!

Thanks. I always thinks it's much more interesting to ask, "What is there of value here and what do people see in it?" than in piling on failures.

You know, I grew up along with you guys. I used to think of The A.V. Club as the world's best graduate school but I've been there for 16 years, so really it was more like kindergarten through the senior year of college. So while this has been wonderful and educational and transformative I also think there's something

Thanks, Rubbish. To be understood and appreciated is a wonderful thing and it's something I've tried to do across the pop culture spectrum, with various degrees of luck.

One of the many weird things about MOMENT BY MOMENT: It's total beefcake. A lesbian made a movie starring her partner seemingly exclusively for the prurient enjoyment of gay men. It's a little bit odd, really.

Thanks, my good man. Thankfully I've written an entire book about Juggalos that will soon be commercially available for purchase at fine independent bookstores and online retailers.

Thanks! Oh God, there's so much in the movie I didn't even get to. Like that his name was Strip and that there's literally a six minute montage of Tomlin wandering around L.A with a friend looking for Travolta. There was apparently no grown ups at the studio who told them, "Nah, that's not really something that


Thanks! But I like to think I will always be a presence here, even if spectral. I have spent too much time here for my DNA not to infect it, nor for its DNA to infect me, and I say that as a very positive thing.

Travolta had a few hit songs in the late seventies. Considering his career and voice and that it was basically a sideline, I'd say that's enough to make it a success. As a commenter pointed out, I didn't list "The Boy In The Plastic Bubble" as one of his successes and should have. TV movies don't get much more iconic