The Brain Fuckler

For some reason, the part that always stuck in my mind was when the one gang boss pops up out of the ground like a sparkly demon and kicks the head off a dog.I hope it's one of the last images that stays with me after my brain is ravaged by Alzheimer's.

Hey, Bobservo's on the A.V. Club. Congrats on a good article, servo.

Xavier: Renegade Angel is one of the best shows Adult Swim ever put out. I understand why some people find it off-putting, but the complexity of the recursive plotting, the nonstop wordplay, and the immaculate fauxlosophical dialogue are fantastic. It often relies too much on crass humor for it's own sake, but it's

I was surprised and delighted to see the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers namecheck.

I liked Nancy's abrupt departure because it meant there was no more Nancy (for a while, at least). Am I alone in thinking that Rachel Blanchard kinda sucked as Nancy, and was a detriment to the season? Seemed like she phoned in her line reads. I was pissed when she showed up on Flight of the Conchords, just on

I'm definitely the alpha-est male here. He's probably here for community service. He looks like he's actually getting a bonk on. I'm definitely king of the hippy jungle

Hey Paula! She's coming to your town. Hey Paula! She never wears a frown. Hey Paula! She's as happy as can be, because all of mother Russia is Paula's family. HEY PAULA!

One word review: Mediocre.
It merits a watch, if you're a Mitchell and Webb fan, but probably not a rewatch.

Magicians was a watchable middle-of-the-road comedy, elevated slightly by the presence of Mitchell, Webb, Bain, and Armstrong. On the flip side, the movie suffered from the high expectations these guys created.

Yes! 2,3 and "See's a play" are the best.  Sometimes, I go down to the lake and sing songs to the lake about the lake. Once, a goose clapped.

"You call it the Bible. I call it too many cooks."

Same story here. I gave an audible "Fuck yes!" in the office when I saw this on the front page.

The last three minutes of the first Dead or Alive movie is all Looney Tunes. Many movies could be substantially improved if the director said, "Fuck it. WORLD ENDING HADOUKEN OUT OF NOWHERE!"

Noel's "reads better than it plays" line basically sums the movie up. The jokes from the book are still there, they're still okay, but they're never as good as they ought to be.

Wait, are you saying that Scorpions is atrocious? Because I will totally slap-fight you over that.

"Look at you guys… fighting on the Malaka-Laka board! You should be ashamed of yourselves!"
Baseketball was pretty damn good. End transmission.

Steven Tyler, pictured here grasping at relevancy.

Steven Tyler, pictured here grasping at relevancy.