The Brain Fuckler

I blame Journey. They wrote the song.

I blame Journey. They wrote the song.

Agreed. Until  fastandsloppy finishes his film degree with his minor in gender and human sexuality, he can fuck right off.

Ditch that Gervais clown and get on the Mitchell and Webb train.Peep Show does cringe-humor better than anybody else, and it's funny and wordy and smart and I like it.

I've heard a plausible but totally untested theory on baggy pants: poor kids have to wear hand-me-downs. African-Americans tend to cluster on the lower end of the income spectrum. Young black culture is hip. Hence, baggy pants are hip.

If you play Pat Boone's metal album at a party, people will stop, stare at the speakers, then look at one another with an expression of dawning realization. For a moment, the world is thrown into chaos, and then rights itself.

The only thing cool about my hometown was that Glenn Buxton died there. It's too bad Alice Cooper's legacy usually gets reduced to little more than "shock rock pioneer. " Dude wrote clever tunes.

Man, he fucked the whole party up with that electric booga-looga-loo shit he tryin' to do right there.

Tosh isn't great, but I like his "throw everything at 'em" mentality. He's got a list of 2000 easy jokes, and he'll tell them all until you decide to like one. He's kind of like a comedy pitching machine.

So what does this television show have to do with expelling high-pressure spit from your salivary glands? I'm at a loss.

If SNL hired Cross and Odenkirk, they'd make David do an endless series of Ronny Dobbs sketches and have Bob yell "GODDAMNIT" until his lungs give out. And it would be better than every single SNL sketch of the last decade.

Great Start
SNL's got the right idea. Next time, they just need to rip off something funny, by funny people. As it is, they're cheapening the entire concept of intellectual theft.

Hopping on the "duped" wagon.

Rig the Detonator Now!
Put a couple tons of fertilizer in a rental van, we're about to blow the hell out of the Okaleechee Dam.

Dr. Steve Brule is the only thing that's watchable about Tim and Eric. Freeing Reilly from that show and still allowing him to do his Brule shtick is the wisest programming decision ever.

I was gonna say, if you guys need somebody to work the camera or edit video, I'm one of the few top-flight journalists in the nation who'll work for cocktails and Sun Chips.

I heard that I could win a lot of money and I get a pig testicle dinner with all the fixins!

The A.V. Club- Kid tested, Hipster approved.

I always thought "The Man with the Golden Gun" was pretty kickass. It had Christopher Lee straight murdering motherfuckers in a funhouse. While I haven't seen it in awhile, I pretty much have to give it a 5-star rating based on that memoryalone.