
Upvoted for "whiny titty babies".

I know I'm history's greatest monster, but I am so sick of cute puppies and kittens.

Fur real. I'm Sirius.

The Coalition to REinforce & Encourage Police & Sheriffs (CREEPS)

That's only since the advent of the internet!


Recalcitrant? Let's kill all them big word people!

I've seen many utterly pointless debates that quickly became more personal than necessary (and participated in a few) on the AVClub over the years, and this is certainly one of them.

Three from The Beatles for Trump:
Money (That's What I Want)
Nowhere Man
Fool on the Hill
and three for the rest of us if he wins:
Run For Your Life

Tug McGraw

And her knees were too -

You'll never guess who I had intercourse with in the swimming pool filled with the cut-off faces of everybody I've ever cared about. Isn't that cool? She gave me the works. She is the most inventive girl.

Tyranorabbit created a slight breach of etiquette by skipping the 'in a box, with a fox, in a boat, with a goat' and going right for the face.

I'll be in my torture pit.

fuoeBeL aihS -.no gniog si tahw aedi on yletulosba evah I

I overheard a woman in a grocery store saying this to another woman:
"My husband just told me they're out of 1% milk." (gestures to cooler full of 1% milk) "They have so much 1% milk that I'm standing here talking to a stranger about how much 1% milk they have."

You're the one in the middle.

"Jesus, Storm Trooper #42 - what a clown. If you weren't in the first three dozen you shouldn't even get an invite to these cons."


…who can disagree with an anti-racist message?