
Gosh, with that fun attitude I can't believe you didn't fit right in.

What? Then why did I pay 78 dollars for the treasure map that led me there?

Hey now, we may be unfunny losers but our gifs are top notch.

I'm hardly ever here anymore, and I came to do the same thing!

What part of secret cult did you not understand?

Yes! I knew I'd find out where babies come from one of these days.

Like TBBT won't still be on the air.

Which included being nostalgic for Happy Days -a show about the 50s!

How did he have time to make movies? Mustache maintenance must have taken up half his day.

It's been good in the past.

The Girl With the Dragon Tat, Too

That's what you get for using e-readers. Read a real book.

That must have been in the director's cut.

Can we talk about how it's super cute that Son of Godzilla blows smoke rings when he's trying to breathe fire?

Explain King Kong's lack of dong, Einstein. He's got a son too.

Don't be so gendernormative.

Time for go to death!

Who seems too short to play Valkyrie.

I just re-watched the first one and as always it made me want a Sif and the Warriors Three movie.

What? I like Kat Dennings in the first movie (I try to forget the second movie) altho it makes me mad she's on that horrible show.