
That's only because right now people are thinking "At least he's not Trump." If he became the candidate and the public got a full load of his creepy douchebaggery, a Dem would beat him easily.

Why does every planet only have one climate!?

They make me smile, which shows off my wimples.

I'd like her to be my Hildegard Von Bangin'.

I burned a heretic and as I breathed in the fumes I could feel - not just my lungs, but like everything open up.

You use the beads to keep track of how many prayers you've said. God doesn't want you to sit around all day counting beads, he wants you to sit around all day mentally reciting a prayer about how awesome he is.

I was going to say something about 30 pieces of silver, but that would make the commentariet the messiah, which is seriously stretching it.

It means nobody else wanted it.

I wasn't there but this what I know from what I read afterwords: In response to everyone bitching about Disqus, the AV Club tried out a new message system, spot.im on one article. spot.im couldn't handle the traffic and as more and more people posted comments the text on the page started to continously scroll until it

I was going to call ISIS headquarters and ask for Amanda Hugginkiss, but their number doesn't seem to be listed.

Black velvet Elvis.

I want to be the bad boy of public radio, like Elvis Mitchell!

Tell us again about the time you walked in on Roy Rogers mounting Trigger.

That would be purrfectly delightful.

Aren't we all?

I think it's great that they are doing this, but personally I'm not familiar with this "xHamster" site.
Ow! My nose just hit the computer screen.

Who in the Marvel Universe HASN'T defeated Doom by this point?

If all the ants in the world disappeared the ecosystem would collapse! (As opposed to humans, without whom the ecosystem would thrive.)

I still want to see this, but my enthusiasm just dropped finding out I'll have to endure Paul Rudd.