
I read that as "Sean Penn…has settled smugly into the role of a very angry bird that hits pigs." Which is probably true as well.

Considering that Auntie Roo-Roo, or whatever the fuck her name was, was the second most important one, that ain't saying much.


I thought Finn was a more interesting character than Rey because she was a little too perfect.

So I'm not the only one that waits until the house is empty before I pop in Grey Gardens?

I hear the Mahomies are lovely this time of year.

They expected it to make a billion and it won't so they're worried people won't go see other DC movies.

Well if you read the article it seems to be saying they will now be able to give the blockbusters the time and attention they need to succeed.

Yes! Du Maurier is a fine writer and Rebecca is her masterpiece.

I read Shriek: An Afterword, by VanDermeer and really liked it. i want to read more of his stuff.

I'm reposting my AVCAD's Book Nook comment:
Currently Reading:
The Graves are Walking, by John Kelly. Shockingly, a book about the Irish Potato Famine is really depressing. Kelly's style can be a little flat but for the most part this is an interesting book. Kelly does a good job of explaining England's horrendously

That is completely nuts.

That kind of criticism is all part of the white man's burden

Good thing for you your daughter is imaginary, since Sock Monkey is telling her to put Drano in your coffee.

I got my fill of Bill Murray singing in that Christmas special, thank you very much.

Fido is SO Method.

This sucks! More librarian videos!

I'm sure she would say it's very white of you.

So apparently I'm in the minority but I loved this.

I'm sure the Great Leader is just some sort of twisted ass freak!