
You're a bump on a log,Wynstone! Get back to work!

I liked "You Took That Sweater From a Dead Body".

I thought all of Branson only played to the blue-hair set.

Civil rights activist, congressman and mayor?

How about that airline food? It's pretty good compared with slop we get in Soviet Union!

You won't turnip your nose at our new soda!

She was married to a cockroach.

It's like, how much more empty could this playlist be? And the answer is none. None more empty.

Me neither. I do recall "Mr. Smith" from the early 80s, about a genius, talking orangutan who worked for the government. Wallace Shawn says he was offered a ton of money to voice Mr. Smith but he turned it down because he feared that the show would somehow become a hit and he would be stuck doing this idiocy for years.

What is Joanie loves Chachi?

Obviously she's had a ton of work but Vanna is pretty hot for 59.

Pat walked back on stage and told Emil, ‘Good to see you again’ and ‘I think he has you beat’ or something like that. And then he started talking about how climate control scientists are a bunch of racists, and it got a little uncomfortable.

No Dana Carvey?

It had talented performers and some good writing, but it really suffered from over-the-top-itis. I laughed a couple of times at that clip but I also winced and thought "reel it in Carol". On early SNL "Carol Burnett" was used as an admonition when things were getting too broad. (Much of later SNL wishes it was as

You have to respect a man who names his kid after a Dr. Seuss character.

John Candy does a decent one in JFK. Too bad he never got to play Ignatius J. Reilly.

Wait a minute - Garfield was also the last one to be seen with Chuck Cunningham!

I can't wait for the R-rated Spider-Man goes to college frat comedy.

He's referring to BJ and the Bear.

We need to get them fighting amongst themselves. Tell Tay Watson was hating on her.