
If he's so dead how come he's still writing books?

Like porno movies in the 70s, the Supreme Court will have to watch every pilot to decide if they violate the amendment.

What's their frequency, Kenneth?

If I were you I'd send for the Charles Atlas course on dynamic tension.

A good, good morning my little chicks. Open your beaks and let Mama vomit down your throat.

Is 38 Nooses good? It sounds really interesting.

I have and I would. That might be his second best novel after OHB. His short stories are really good too.

Wow! This looks amazing. It's like The Mighty Boosh minus the talent.

Currently reading:
Stardust by Neil Gaiman: I'm almost done and I'm enjoying it - but I'm beginning to suspect Gaiman only has one plot.
Theatre by W. Somerset Maugham. I just realized that I love Maugham and outside of Of Human Bondage, a haunting and deeply personal book, I couldn't tell you why. His books are cold,…

So Murray the K was number nine?

I didn't realize I could hate Rolling Stone any more than I already do.

I was 14 years old in 1976. I seem to recall owning some sort of Farrah related poster…

My name is Richie Cunningham, and this is my wife, Oprah.


I wear cargo shorts and I think Shawshank is a cheesy, wildly implausible movie. We're through the looking glass here!

Pretentious? Good thing they didn't watch Mad Max: Blast Gear at Marienbad.

I've met about a zillion people who love Shawshank, to the point where I think some people say they like it because that's the overwhelming opinion. Love for that movie goes way beyond a certain demographic.

So you're a pearl wearing Bernie Bro?

If you read the article itself you'll see the surprising fact that a small but influential percentage of raters are hedgehogs, who like Benedict Cumberbatch movies and having their tummies rubbed.

That's what I was wondering about.