
Well, the Jerk Store called, and they're running out of you.

Eyes to meet you!

Veronica and Dilton did WHAT?

I sawed her in half.

Somebody please stop my brain from thinking up Peter Parker/Marisa Tomei as Aunt May slash fic.

Hee, hee. Re-"booty".

It wasn't "rape-rape"?

Playing Catan and losing is less embarrassing than playing and winning?

Lots of headaches, lots of trying to finalize travel plans, lots of failure. Got corralled into watching Divergent by girl-in-the-moon-girl, which was thoroughly mediocre. Other than that though, meh.

That's great! I did my first Europe trip (London) a couple of years ago and loved it. We were recently thinking about going to Paris and in the midst of my research I found this website: http://www.coolstuffinparis…
It has some genuinely wacky off the beaten path stuff plus some good basic tips. As a committed slob I

Can the fuel of a Took?

Officially he works for the Parks Department, but he only really works around election time, when he makes sure voters in the Polish wards are registered, go to the polls, and vote for the right candidates.

Swinging doors are a bad idea in places that have cold winters.

It's true! I can assure folks that Viva can get hammered and still carry on an intelligent, amusing conversation, even with someone who's sober.

"Was this wall between us and Canada always here?"

You have done nothing to disgrace yourself. You're a disgrace!

I'm a teetotaler! I do it to be more physically fit, mentally awake and morally superior!

So apparently Variety doesn't moderate their comments? They think it's okay to have comments about wanting to shoot somebody with an Uzi?

I understand that if they sit on a toy motorcycle and make engine noises with their mouth, it will propel them quite nicely.